100% Edible Cutlery

Chocolate is known to release dopamine, the happy chemical, and is a great source of antioxidants.

Set of Chocolate Flatware

Dinner Fork, Soup Spoon, Teaspoon, Butterknife



A set of 4 utensils, completely edible from beginning to end. Our handles are made with a special dark chocolate which does not melt while being held in your hand but will break down when in your mouth. Each tip to neck is just the opposite, melting to heat but not moisture, so our patented spoons can scoop ice cream without a hitch and are ready to eat when you are ready to eat them.


Free shipping if within the United States. Other countries please inquire via email.

“My all-time favorite flavor is chocolate. It tastes divine.”

Marie Fakename from Timbuktu

“To be able to eat the spoon I eat my ice cream with is a dream come true”

Ima Notreal from Liechtenstein

“I’m always a big fan of biodegradability. This is ridiculous.”

Waldo Iswhere from Tuvalu

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